‘Baahubali’ Tech Wizardry; Makuta VFX Maestro Pete Draper

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That giant fly you’ll see in the poster on the wall behind Pete is the protagonist of Baahubali director S.S. Rajamouli’s  marvelous prior film Eega, which follows the story of a murdered man who is reincarnated as a housefly and seeks to avenge his death.

If you’ve seen the film you know it’s a visual feast that infuses virtually every scene–whether romantic, intimately dramatic, or heart-poundingly violent–with breathtaking CG images. As the former COO of a major Hollywood visual effects company I know how difficult it is to pull off this sort of magical spectacle with a $150 million production budget, let alone the relatively miniscule $30 million budget the Baahubali team had at their disposal.

read more http://www.forbes.com/sites/robcain/2015/09/27/tech-wizards-behind-baahubali-reveal-their-bag-of-tricks/#6a6e7d0f3087

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