A festival of films by Annapurna International School

enRightPR Newsdesk

A festival of films made by graduating students of Annapurna International School of Film and Media (AISFM) of popular Telugu actor Akinneni Nagarjuna began in Hyderabad on Friday.

The two-day festival opened with the premieres of films made by graduating final year students of BFA, MA & MMBA degrees dealing with nine different entertaining and thought provoking subjects.

The films by Bachelors students include “The White Field” by Karthik Parmar,”Nitya” by Abhimanyu Kumar, “Maut ka Kuan” by Prithvi Chahal and “Understanding Moksha” by Sameer Kumar.

The films by Masters student comprise “Preme Madhuram”, by Anil Kumar, “Bhetala” by Rohit Krishna”, “Kadivalama” by Ananya Ayachit, “Talaari” by Degala Sai Akhil Yadav and “Chetak” by Gandhapuneni Nandan.

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