Malware attacks: A blessing in disguise

enRightPR Newsdesk

While cyber attacks are increasing day by day with newer ransomware such as Wannacry and Petya shaking private and public organisations worldwide, this is also presenting a huge business opportunity for Indian companies involved in the development of cyber security software.

According to IT industry insiders, the global ransomeware epidemic is just beginning to explode and cyber attacks will rise further in the future, thus highlighting the need for effective cyber security solutions.

“We have a poor cyber security infrastructure which is creating a huge opportunity to firms involved in the development of cyber security products. For instance we have recently developed ZeroXT, a ransomeware protection software which is getting good response from clients globally,” said Rajkumar Kotha, Co-Founder of Hyderabad-based cyber security and threat intelligence company, UNIK Systems, which counts ISRO among its clients.


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