TiE-Woxsen Entrepreneurship Development Program for Startup

enRightPR Newsdesk

Over 200 startups shut down in 2016 for a slew of reasons ranging from lack of funding, the startup idea unable to scale, the product or service not being in demand to Me-Too ideas and competition. In a bid to handhold startup entrepreneurs and guide them on their entrepreneurial journey, TiE Hyderabad, and Woxsen School of Business, Hyderabad, have launched the TiE – Woxsen Entrepreneurship Development Program 2017. The program will give startup entrepreneurs the chance to connect with each other and improve their entrepreneurship skills.

​Under this program​me, 20 start-ups would be chosen and taken through a rigorous workshop programme of six days covering two weekends. The program​ includes knowledge-sharing sessions by the faculty of Woxsen School of Business and seasoned entrepreneurs and captains of industries from diverse sectors. ​There is no age criteria​ for the program that will be held on 14-16 July and 28-30 July. ​

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